Cheat Ninja Saga Hack Critical, Damage and Feedback X10
Ninja Saga Hack
Damage and Feedback Damage 100% work, discharged download, no secret and
no analyse. With using this taxicab you present easily negative your
enemies. This deceive can also be used in Agency to Ninja Instructor Lvl
80 Test.
Fitures Hack :
2x Damage : Give you 2x damage from damage normal (not error)
Critical Damage : Player, friends you
Ally Feedback Damage x10 : Player and friends do feedback dmg while opponent not. Also the feedback dmg is x10 instead of 0.4x
recruit and your pet do critical while opponent not.
Critical Damage : Player, friends you
Ally Feedback Damage x10 : Player and friends do feedback dmg while opponent not. Also the feedback dmg is x10 instead of 0.4x
recruit and your pet do critical while opponent not.
Note : Exclusive for Topical effort, not employ for Net effort, eg. Living PVP.
Tools Required :
Cheat Engine
- Log in to your facebook account then play Ninja Saga
- After you get in to the lobby game, open Cheat Engine, sellect process browser
- Load Critical damage and feedback damage CT file
- Tick list hack
- Still in cheat engine, change Value type to Array of byte
- Then first scan this code :
- A2 25 E8 07 A3 A2 46
- then repalace with this code :
- A2 25 E8 07 A0 A0 46
- Done, now beat your enemy